The HANG was created in 2000 in Switzerland by Felix Rohner and Sabina Schärer of the PANArt Company.

The HANG is a resonating percussion instrument related to the Steeldrum, Gong, Gamelan and Ghatam.

The HANG is the new instrument of this Millennium, captivating musicians & listeners worldwide.

The  sound of the HANG evokes an exquisite and delicate inner landscape of spaciousness and vitality.

In the Bernese language ‘hang’ means ‘hand’ and the HANG is made, tuned and played by hand.

You will enter a resonant chamber of suspended time and space, becoming the sound itself.

Solo piece by Yogi Hendlin (Hang Gathering Concert 2009)

Solo piece by  Laura Inserra (Hang Gathering Concert 2007)

Live HANG (Integral) piece called 'Infinite waves' by Laura Inserra. Performed by Laura Inserra, Ian Dogole, Yogi Hendlin, Alan Tower, Daniel Tucker and Jessica Styler. HANG Gathering Concert 2009 presented by Samavesha.

Yoga Mandala

Berkeley, June 26 2009